You just secured a listing – good job! I’m proud of you! Now, how can you get the word out? You can utilize social media, or, you can use direct mail and send just listed postcards. Contrary to popular belief, direct mail isn’t dead, and it can be incredibly helpful for you. It can help you find a buyer; it can help a seller find and use you as their realtor, and it can help you get referrals.
What are the benefits to sending just listed postcards?
You’re showing your success to your prospects. An effective just listed postcard will raise your brand awareness and get your name into the hands of the general public. Even if the recipient of your real estate mailer isn’t ready to buy a home, the chances they remember you from your postcard when they are ready to buy are high. Even higher than if they saw an ad through digital marketing. Just listed postcards are generally created to find a buyer for the listed home, but they can also attract the attention of sellers. If you send a postcard to someone who’s ready to sell their home, they are immediately connected to a realtor (you!)
They keep you visible. Sending just listed mailers does a couple things. First, they prove that you are a successful realtor. Second, even if you are sending mailers to people who are not currently looking to buy or sell, they can refer you to someone else.
You give your audience the next step. An effective real estate postcard will include a call to action – it will give the reader some sort of step to take. It will tell them what’s next. An example of a call to action on a real estate postcard would be “If you or someone you know is looking to buy or sell a home this year, give me a call today!” of course this would include your phone number.
How can you send out Just Listed Postcards?
Now that you know why you should be sending mailers as a realtor; you need to find a way to send them out. There are a few ways you can send postcards to a targeted audience. Of course, you can do this through the post office. One of the newest ways to send direct mail is by using a service that will do it all for you, like MapYourSales.
With MapYourSales, you will choose your target audience (the addresses you want to receive your postcard). You can target a certain neighborhood or even draw a specific area and pull all addresses inside your shape. If you aren’t sure what your postcard should look like or say, there are pre-created templates that are a great place to start!
Now you have that listing, make some postcards and send them out! You’d be surprised at how direct mail can help you find buyers, sellers, and referrals!